Now that we have implemented an app, we’re ready to put a spell onto a real Bitcoin transaction. This guide is pretty low level, as we’re using bitcoin-cli
to interact with the Bitcoin network.
Bitcoin Core v22.0 or later is required:
This walkthrough assumes a bitcoin node running with the following configuration (bitcoin.conf
On macOS, bitcoin.conf
is usually located at ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
You will need to have bitcoin-cli
aliased as b
You will also need to have jq
recipient = " $( b getnewaddress ) "
rawtxhex = $( b createrawtransaction ''' [] ''' ''' [{ " ' $recipient ' ": 0.00010000 }] ''' )
# or something like this if you want to spend an existing Charm
# rawtxhex=$(b createrawtransaction '''[ { "txid": "dafd94568e0d8fb0e72c9bb84e54b227c9cad28168611fe3d37f06276125e247", "vout": 0 } ]''' '''[{ "'$recipient'": 0.00010000 }]''')
draft_tx_hex = $( b -named fundrawtransaction $rawtxhex changePosition= 1 fee_rate= $fee_rate | jq -r ' .hex ' )
# now choose a funding output with a few thousand sats (10000 should be more than enough)
# MUST NOT be one of those being spent by $draft_tx_hex (printed out by this)
b decoderawtransaction $( echo $draft_tx_hex ) | jq -r ' .vin[] | "\(.txid):\(.vout)" '
funding_utxo_id = acbef6b2f3808ad4fe36fff4d70ba1d0ccc05ce254d8096a8591de76683af8d0:0
change_address = $( b getrawchangeaddress )
b decoderawtransaction $draft_tx_hex
# now get the hex representation of $draft_tx_hex's input transactions
prev_txs = $( b decoderawtransaction $draft_tx_hex | jq -r ' .vin[].txid ' | sort | uniq | xargs -I {} bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction {} | paste -sd, - )
spell_source = ./examples/toad-token/spells/mint-token.yml
toad_app_bin = ./examples/toad-token/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf
RUST_LOG = info charms spell prove --spell= $spell_source --tx= $draft_tx_hex --prev-txs= $prev_txs --app-bins= $toad_app_bin --funding-utxo-id= $funding_utxo_id --funding-utxo-value= $funding_utxo_value --change-address= $change_address --fee-rate= $fee_rate
# sign the resulting transactions
# copy the output from the previous command into spell_prove_result:
spell_prove_result = ' ["0200000001d0...000","020000000001041...000"] '
signed_commit_tx = $( b signrawtransactionwithwallet $( echo $spell_prove_result | jq -r ' .[0] ' ) | jq -r ' .hex ' )
signed_spell_tx = $( b signrawtransactionwithwallet $( echo $spell_prove_result | jq -r ' .[1] ' ) $( b decoderawtransaction $signed_commit_tx | jq -c ' [{txid: .txid, vout: .vout[0].n, scriptPubKey: .vout[0].scriptPubKey.hex, amount: .vout[0].value}] ' ) | jq -r ' .hex ' )
b submitpackage ' [" ' $signed_commit_tx ' "," ' $signed_spell_tx ' "] '